Andrew Zarnke and colleagues have analyzed the physical and chemical characteristics of canisters of McIntyre Powder. Their results are now published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (see "JOEH McIntyre Powder analysis" under "Links").
One of the critically important findings from this research is that the size of McIntyre Powder particles is extremely small. McIntyre Powder was found to be comprised of particles that are in the fine particulate and ultrafine particulate (nanoparticle) size range.
Inhaled nanoparticles have the potential to enter the bloodstream from the lung and travel to other areas of the body. Future research on the potential health consequences of McIntyre Powder inhalation will continue, now that we have a solid understanding of its physical and chemical properties.
Since 2016, over 500 McIntyre Powder-exposed miners and mine workers have registered with the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers, Inc. (OHCOW). A dedicated OHCOW multidisciplinary team (administrative, leadership, nursing, occupational hygiene, and medical) continues to investigate the possible links between workplace exposures and health issues found in this group of workers who were historically exposed to McIntyre Powder (aluminum oxide dust).
As part of this work, OHCOW's McIntyre Powder Project team is conducting scientific literature reviews on occupational and environmental exposures and health conditions, focusing on health issues found among the McIntyre Powder-exposed worker group. OHCOW has produced reports on their reviews, which are now publicly available online at OHCOW's website, www.ohcow.on.ca. These reports provide important information for workers and their advocates for purposes of workers' compensation cases. Additional reports will be available in the coming months, and will also posted to the OHCOW website. The OHCOW "Mining Exposures & Health" reports will be updated as new scientific literature becomes available.
A direct link to the OHCOW reports is posted on our McIntyre Powder Project website (see "OHCOW Mining Exposures and Health", under the "Links" tab on the top menu bar).
Thank you to OHCOW for this groundbreaking work!
500 Mine workers on MPP Voluntary Registry
In April 2015, the McIntyre Powder Project began compiling a voluntary registry, documenting health issues experienced by mine workers (and in one case, a factory worker) who had been exposed to McIntyre Powder aluminum dust. To date, 500 workers have registered with the McIntyre Powder Project or were registered by their surviving next of kin. Nearly 200 are deceased - 38 of whom died since the MPP voluntary registry was established.
Most of the workers have multiple diagnosed health conditions and/or symptoms, with respiratory problems affecting 317 (172 with diagnosed conditions, 145 with symptoms but no diagnosis, 12 have sarcoidosis). Neurological conditions were reported for 153 workers, including 99 with diagnosed conditions and 58 with symptoms but no diagnosis (55 of which involved memory issues). Of the diagnosed neurological conditions, there are 44 with Parkinson's, 31 with Alzheimer's, 17 with dementia, and 7 with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease). 121 workers report cardiovascular conditions. Cancers were reported for 110 workers, 51 of which were lung cancer, and 4 with multiple myeloma.
The McIntyre Powder aluminum prophylaxis program was a human experiment. Documenting the health issues experienced by the affected workers and seeking answers for those workers and their surviving families remains the life work of the McIntyre Powder Project. Many thanks to those who have contributed their stories. Your courage is making history and changing the future for those at risk for occupational disease.
McIntyre Powder researchers and JFIW bike riders coming to Elliot Lake May 25 & 26, 2018!
The McIntyre Powder Project is thrilled to host expert researchers and Justice for Injured Workers cyclists for FREE public information and reception events in Elliot Lake and Massey, Ontario on May 25 & 26, 2018.
Details below! This will be of special interest to mine worker and their families, health care providers, and researchers, along with community members in general. Opportunity for learning, questions, discussion, and participation in displays highlighting occupational disease and McIntyre Powder miners' memorial.
Friday, May 25th - Lester B. Pearson Civic Centre (Theatre), 255 Hwy 108, Elliot Lake, Ontario
1-4 p.m. FREE public Seminar: "Occupational Disease in Mining and McIntyre Powder Research"
Presentation Schedule:
1 to 2 p.m. McIntyre Powder Project & Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW)
Janice Martell, Dave Wilken
o History of the McIntyre Powder aluminum prophylaxis program
o Updates on McIntyre Powder-exposed worker group at OHCOW
2 to 3 p.m. Occupational Cancer Research Centre – Cancer Care Ontario
Dr. Paul Demers, Dr. Victoria Arrandale
o Occupational disease in mining
o Study of McIntyre Powder-exposed mine workers and neurological disorders
3 to 3:30 p.m. Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Laurentian University
Dr. Douglas Boreham, Andrew Zarnke, PhD candidate, Dr. Christopher Thome
o Radon and McIntyre Powder
3:30 to 4 p.m. Wrap-Up, Justice for Injured Workers Bike Ride, Announcements
o Opportunity for further questions from audience
o Announcements for evening events and 2018 Justice for Injured Workers bike ride
Friday, May 25th - Lester B. Pearson Civic Centre (Theatre), 255 Hwy 108, Elliot Lake, Ontario
7-9 p.m. RECEPTION EVENT for the 2018 JFIW Bike Ride - FREE, OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! All are welcome.
- Welcome to the Ontario Network of Injured Workers Groups (ONIWG)'s cyclists for the 2018 Justice for Injured Workers Bike Ride
- Workers Comp Is a Right campaign
- McIntyre Powder Project - Overview and In Memoriam
Friday, May 25th - Lester B. Pearson Civic Centre (LOBBY outside Theatre), Elliot Lake, Ontario
MEMORIAL DISPLAY & INFORMATION TABLES: The lobby outside the Civic Centre theatre will host information tables and memorial displays dedicated to mining, occupational disease awareness, and the Workers Comp Is A Right campaign. FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.
SIGN THE MINERS' COVERALLS: A set of miners' coveralls will become a memorial display bearing the names of mine workers who are living with or have died with an occupational disease. Travelling to Timmins, Elliot Lake, Massey, and Sudbury in May 2018 - and to Queen's Park in Toronto for Injured Workers Day on June 1, 2018 - these coveralls will bring awareness to occupational diseases in the mining industry. Any mine worker living with an occupational disease can sign their name on the coveralls OR their names can be signed by family members of mine workers who died with an occupational disease.
VIEW & CONTRIBUTE TO MEMORIAL ALBUM: The McIntyre Powder Project's MEMORIAL ALBUM will be at all events in May. Family members of deceased McIntyre Powder-exposed mine workers can contribute photos or stories to the memorial album, which is open to the public and media.
Saturday, May 26th - 7 a.m. Miners' Memorial Park, Elliot Lake
7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Jim Hobbs Memorial Ride - 2018 JFIW bike ride from Elliot Lake to Massey
Starts: 7 a.m. - Elliot Lake Miners' Memorial Park- Hwy 108 North (600 metres north of Hampton Inn)
Ends: 1 p.m. - Massey Arena, 455 Government Road, Massey, Ontario
Reception event and public presentation follows at Massey Arena from 1-3 p.m.
The McIntyre Powder Project and members of the Jim Hobbs family and Massey community will welcome the 2018 JFIW cyclists as they arrive from Elliot Lake. Information, memorial display, and FREE public presentation on McIntyre Powder Project and Ontario Network of Injured Workers Groups.
Timmins! May 10, 2018 - "McIntyre Powder History & Research Updates" - FREE Public Seminars
The McIntyre Powder Project and the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers, Inc. (OHCOW) are hosting FREE public information events in Timmins, Ontario on May 10, 2018. These sessions will provide updates on OHCOW's work with the McIntyre Powder-exposed mine workers who registered during or since the 2016 McIntyre Powder Intake Clinics. Scientific research involving McIntrye Powder (aluminum dust) will be discussed, as well as historical discoveries involving the McIntyre Powder aluminum prophylaxis program. Please see details below and plan to join us!
WHAT: "Occupational Disease in Mining and McIntyre Powder Research" free public seminar
Target audience: mine workers, their families, local physicians and researchers, general public
WHEN: Thursday, May 10, 2018 - Afternoon Session: 1-3 p.m. Evening Session: 6:30-8:30 p.m.
WHERE: Ramada Inn Ballroom - 1800 Riverside Drive, Timmins, Ontario 705-267-6241
PRESENTATIONS (time frame includes presentation - Q & A /discussion time to follow):
Afternoon Session (1-3 p.m.)
1 to 2 p.m.
· McIntyre Powder Project & Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW)
Janice Martell, Dave Wilken
o History of the McIntyre Powder aluminum prophylaxis program
o Updates on McIntyre Powder-exposed worker group at OHCOW
2 to 2:30 p.m.
· Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Laurentian University
Andrew Zarnke, PhD candidate, Dr. Christopher Thome
o Radon and McIntyre Powder
2:30 to 3 p.m.
· Discussion, Q & A, Wrap-Up
o Opportunity for questions from audience, Discussion, Future Steps
Evening Session (6:30 to 8:30 p.m.)
Same order of presentation, content, and format as afternoon session
6:30 to 7:30 p.m. - Dave and Janice
7:30 to 8 p.m. - Andrew and Chris
8 to 8:30 p.m. - Discussion, Q & A, Wrap-Up