500 Mine workers on MPP Voluntary Registry
In April 2015, the McIntyre Powder Project began compiling a voluntary registry, documenting health issues experienced by mine workers (and in one case, a factory worker) who had been exposed to McIntyre Powder aluminum dust. To date, 500 workers have registered with the McIntyre Powder Project or were registered by their surviving next of kin. Nearly 200 are deceased - 38 of whom died since the MPP voluntary registry was established.
Most of the workers have multiple diagnosed health conditions and/or symptoms, with respiratory problems affecting 317 (172 with diagnosed conditions, 145 with symptoms but no diagnosis, 12 have sarcoidosis). Neurological conditions were reported for 153 workers, including 99 with diagnosed conditions and 58 with symptoms but no diagnosis (55 of which involved memory issues). Of the diagnosed neurological conditions, there are 44 with Parkinson's, 31 with Alzheimer's, 17 with dementia, and 7 with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease). 121 workers report cardiovascular conditions. Cancers were reported for 110 workers, 51 of which were lung cancer, and 4 with multiple myeloma.
The McIntyre Powder aluminum prophylaxis program was a human experiment. Documenting the health issues experienced by the affected workers and seeking answers for those workers and their surviving families remains the life work of the McIntyre Powder Project. Many thanks to those who have contributed their stories. Your courage is making history and changing the future for those at risk for occupational disease.