
    OHCOW Mining Exposures & Health Reports NOW AVAILABLE online!

    Since 2016, over 500 McIntyre Powder-exposed miners and mine workers have registered with the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers, Inc. (OHCOW).  A dedicated OHCOW multidisciplinary team (administrative, leadership, nursing, occupational hygiene, and medical) continues to investigate the possible links between workplace exposures and health issues found in this group of workers who were historically exposed to McIntyre Powder (aluminum oxide dust).

    As part of this work, OHCOW's McIntyre Powder Project team is conducting scientific literature reviews on occupational and environmental exposures and health conditions, focusing on health issues found among the McIntyre Powder-exposed worker group.  OHCOW has produced reports on their reviews, which are now publicly available online at OHCOW's website, www.ohcow.on.ca.  These reports provide important information for workers and their advocates for purposes of workers' compensation cases.  Additional reports will be available in the coming months, and will also posted to the OHCOW website.  The OHCOW "Mining Exposures & Health" reports will be updated as new scientific literature becomes available. 

    A direct link to the OHCOW reports is posted on our McIntyre Powder Project website (see "OHCOW Mining Exposures and Health", under the "Links" tab on the top menu bar). 

    Thank you to OHCOW for this groundbreaking work!


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