If you live in the Elliot Lake, Ontario or Blind River, Ontario areas and want to participate in the October 3 & 4, 2016 McIntyre Powder Intake Clinics in Sudbury, Ontario FREE Coach BUS TICKETS are now available, sponsored by the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU).
For your Ticket(s) and to pre-register for the Intake Clinics, please contact McIntyre Powder Project founder Janice Martell at 1-800-461-7120.
For those who have already signed up for the FREE BUS, mail-outs with your Ticket(s) and the below Information Sheet are going out on Monday, September 19, 2016. Please contact Janice Martell if you have not received your package by Tuesday, September 27, 2106
OPSEU – Sponsored Coach Bus Travellers
McIntyre Powder Intake Clinics – SUDBURY
Monday, October 3, 2016 OR Tuesday, October 4, 2016
United Steelworkers Hall, 66 Brady Street, Sudbury, ONT.
8 a.m.: Bus Leaves A.J. Bus Lines parking lot, Blind River
9 a.m.: Bus Leaves Civic Centre parking lot, Elliot Lake
11 a.m.: Bus stops at Tim Horton’s in Sudbury
12 p.m.: Bus arrives at United Steelworkers Hall
12 to 4 p.m.: Participants complete the Intake Clinic process
4 p.m.: Bus departs Steelworkers Hall parking lot
6 p.m.: Bus arrives at Civic Centre, Elliot Lake
7 p.m.: Bus arrives at A.J. Bus Lines, Blind River
YOUR FREE BUS TICKET(S) ARE ENCLOSED for you and your support person (if applicable).
You MUST have your TICKET with you in order to board the bus.
Please keep it in a safe place and bring it with you on the day that you are scheduled to attend the McIntyre Powder Intake Clinic.
There are no restaurants within easy walking distance of the Steelworkers Hall.
Arrangements have been made for “PEROGY PRINCESS” food truck to be on site in the parking lot of the Steelworkers Hall. You are welcome to purchase food from this vendor (homemade perogies & cabbage rolls, mini-pies and tarts).
Complimentary refreshments (e.g. coffee, tea, cookies, fruit) are available to participants of the Intake Clinic inside the Steelworkers Hall.
You are welcome to bring food/snacks with you.
You can purchase food during the late morning Tim Horton’s stop.
Memorial Album, Mining Master Record
The McIntyre Powder Project will host an information table at the Intake Clinic. It will include information about the McIntyre Powder Project, the McIntyre Powder aluminum dust program, and how to apply for your Mining Master Record.
A Memorial Album for deceased mine workers who were exposed to aluminum dust will be on display at the McIntyre Powder Project table.
The Memorial Album contains photos, obituaries & stories of these mine workers, contributed by their families in their memory. The memorial album is intended to showcase and honour the strength, pride, health struggles, and histories of the mine workers who risked their lives and health to earn a living to support their families.
You are welcome to contribute to this album, which stays with Janice Martell of the McIntyre Powder Project. The album will be on display in an area that is accessible to the public and media.
Call me (Janice Martell) at 1-800-461-7120
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